Twitter declared Monday that it will limit reach for tweets linking Russian-affiliated news sites. It was hours after the European Union had announced its intention to ban Russian-funded outlets RT, Sputnik and other state-supported media sources.
Here are some key facts
The new label will only encourage users to “stay informed,” and appear on tweets that share information from Russian state-affiliated media accounts—but will not appear on tweets from those accounts because they are already labeled with “Russia state-affiliated media,” Twitter said.
Tweets sharing Russian state media content will not be recommended by Twitter and will be blocked from appearing on Twitter’s “Top Search” function.
Most Russian state media content on Twitter is being spread through individual sharing and not directly from those media outlets’ accounts, meaning most people were seeing that content without visible labels, Twitter said.
Twitter reports that more than 45,000 Twitter users have posted links to Russian media since Russia invaded Ukraine on Thursday.
Twitter stated that it will apply the same measures to other state media in the next weeks.
The Key Background
2017 Twitter bannedAdvertising from RT, and Sputnik were found to have been influenced by U.S. intelligence. 2018: The platform extendedThis ban applies to advertising in state media. In August 2020, Twitter began labeling and “de-amplifying” state-affiliated accounts from Russia, China, the U.K., the U.S. and some other countries. In the days following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, both Twitter and Facebook were reportedly restricted in Russia after the Russian government denounced Facebook’s fact-checking mechanisms as “censorship.” As well as Sputnik and RT, two of the most internationally known Russian state media outlets, Facebook has targeted Russia’s RIA Novosti, Zvezda TV network, Gazeta.Ru and Friday, U.S. Thursday, the U.S.
Important Quote
“As this conflict continues, we can expect to see an escalation in Russia’s use of both overt and covert means to sow confusion about the conflict and promote disinformation narratives that weaken the global response to these illegal acts,” Warner said.
Twitter was launched in May 2020. added warning labels to posts including “disputed or misleading” claims about Covid-19—including, during the election, to posts by President Donald Trump. (Twitter eventually banned Trump “due to the risk of further incitement of violence” following the January 6, 2021 Capitol riots.) Twitter is yet to establish a comparable system for postings about the Ukraine crisis.
Twitter does not classify accounts as news outlets that are subject to direct or indirect editorial control. However, Twitter considers state-funded outlets as being editorially independent such as NPR and the BBC.
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“U.S. Senator Mark Warner Urges Tech Companies To Fight Russian Propaganda In Ukraine—Russian Officials Punish Those That Do” (SME)
The post Twitter Will Label Tweets Linking To Russian State-Backed Media Like RT And Sputnik appeared first on Social Media Explorer.
A friend approached Eslam Mmadouh, desperate to help him. Would Mamdouh drive him 340 miles west to Lviv, a city near Ukraine’s border with Poland? Mamdouh agreed, though the young nursing student has been reluctant to leave the relative safety of the county’s capital during the ongoing Russian invasion. The troop movements of the troops have not been easy to follow. Most of the fighting—the largest in Europe since World War II—seems further east, nearer Russia.) They loaded into Mamdouh’s tiny white Ford and headed out of town around 5 as Mamdouh continued to do what he’s done for the past several days: chronicle the whole thing on Snapchat, including public posts to the app’s Map function, which allows anyone in the world to zoom over to a place and watch videos uploaded from there.
Mamdouh was able to reach him via Snap Call while stuck in traffic. He quickly switched the camera’s view from one that pointed directly at him to the highway. “You see, you see?” he asks. Up ahead, in the distance—soldiers. “The army is everywhere now,” he says. “Everywhere.” For now, Mamdouh believes, the uniformed figures in Kyiv are Ukranian forces. The prospect of them soon confronting their Russian counterparts on Kyiv’s streets leaves Mamdouh undeterred from his plan. “I’m going to take my friend, and then I’m going back,” he says, prepared for more evenings huddled beneath ground in the subway, as Londoners did a century earlier during the Blitz. As someone who grew up in Egypt, he says that the sight of armed conflict is quite familiar to him.
Really, ever since the Arab Spring swept through Mamdouh’s homeland more than a decade ago, social media has continued to offer a complex window to world events, presenting access we once could expect only through cable news. Television’s perspective was limited and carefully researched. Apps like Snap, Telegram and TikTok offer a much wider view of what is happening through the on-the ground posts of average citizens, such as Mamdouh.
However, it isn’t a journalism broadcast. It produces personal missives such as the Snap ones Mamdouh offered and mixed with misinformation. Snap Maps, however, is a rare exception. It is geotagged so you have greater assurance that they are there and not just a few hundred miles away. There are two types of misinformation: some intentionally spread and others that happen unintentionally. The same result is still achieved. We get an enlarged picture of situations like the one unfolding in Ukraine, grander than what we could’ve gotten before, but it’s one in which it can be difficult to limn the difference between the real and the fake.
Probably the greatest difference between social media use in Ukraine and previous conflicts is the country’s reliance on Telegram, an app with 400 million users worldwide but one still little known in America. Telegram, which is a mix of WhatsApp, Facebook and Twitter, is the most used social network in Ukraine. It was launched nearly nine years ago by Pavel Durov, a Russian billionaire. (A spokesperson for Durov didn’t return a request to comment.) Telegram provided an easy way for Ukranians in Ukraine to communicate with one another, but it was also used to accomplish a darker purpose.
“Telegram is the breeding ground for anti-democratic disinformation and conspiracy theories,” says Ksenia Iliuk, a data analyst at Detector Media, which tracks malicious content online. Over two dozen Telegram channels have been identified by Detector Media and others as spreading false information to help Russia. Ahead of the invasion, Iliuk says, those Telegram groups focused on sowing an anti-Western sentiment in the country, using terms like “Western reptiloids,” and even sought to propagate a false narrative that the U.S. billionaire George Soros has financed efforts by “proteges of Soros,” “servants of Soros” and “sorosobots” to shove Ukraine toward America. It seems that conspiracy theorists have used the Soros stories to transform the billionaire in America into a liberal bogeyman.
TikTok has been featuring a lot of Ukraine videos lately. Clips purporting that they show Russian soldiers mobilizing for war against Ukraine have been viewed millions of times over the past month. (Rob Lee, a doctorate candidate at London’s King’s College, condensed many of them into threads on Twitter.) The #UkraineWar video has received 163 million views from TikTok. #Ukraine is home to 10.9 billion. For comparison, only 2.6 billion people have seen #Britain’s TikTok posts. Some of the content may not be authentic. One TikTok clip purporting to show an armed standoff between Ukrainian and Russian solidres—footage quickly known as the “Face to Face” video—received almost 20 million views before TikTok appeared to pull it down amid a campaign by researchers to mark it as inauthentic. Another TikTok recording was made from an actual battle between Russia and Ukraine over Snake Island. This is a small piece of land at the Black Sea. This video was verified authentic by the Ukranian Government and shows 13 Ukrainian troops standing on the island against a Russian warship.
When asked to surrender, the Ukrainian troops give this response: “Russian warship, go f—k yourself.” All 13 Ukrainians were killed. The Ukrainian President Velensky stated earlier that Ukraine would posthumously confer the highest honor on these troops.
The Ukraine crisis for Facebook is an important test. However, critics are putting the company under pressure over its handling of disinformation. On Thursday, Facebook’s parent company Meta said it has established a “Special Operations Center” to handle information being posted to its platforms about Ukraine. “It is staffed by experts (including native speakers) so we can closely monitor the situation and act as fast as possible,” Meta’s head of security policy, Nathaniel Gleicher, said on Twitter. Facebook was criticized for its operations in certain countries and the lack of deep language knowledge by its content moderators. Russia claimed that Facebook has unfairly restricted access, and demanded Facebook be shut down. Nick Clegg, Meta’s president of global affairs, said Russia had asked the company to stop fact-check work on some outlets’ work.
None of these platforms has provided information on how many content pieces they have taken down from their websites.
Oleh Novikov is an anti-corruption journalist from Ukraine, for the news site SlovoidiloHe switched to Twitter instead of posting on Telegram, in the hope that his work will attract more people, even those who are not from the West. His updates have been compiled from his experience in Ukraine. He also made the decision to reshare video clips of journalists. He posted one dramatic video of a tank rolling across what looks like a car carrying people inside. It was shot in south Ukraine by a journalist. He checked it with the government and it seemed to be authentic.
“I’m trying to post information about the situation in my country only from official sources or from people I really know,” he says. “Because who knows who can I really trust?”
The post Social Media Gives Confounding View To Russian War On Ukraine appeared first on Social Media Explorer.
Weekend Favs February 26 written by John Jantsch read more at Duct Tape Marketing
My weekend blog post routine includes posting links to a handful of tools or great content I ran across during the week.
I don’t go into depth about the finds, but encourage you to check them out if they sound interesting. The photo in the post is a favorite for the week from an online source or one that I took out there on the road.
The theme for this week’s tools is: Time Savers
Copy.AI – Say goodbye to writer’s block. This AI-powered tool generates premium copy and content ideas across multiple platforms
Rebump– An automated extension for your email that follows up with your unanswered email recipients so you don’t have to
Restream– Offers the ability to broadcast your live streams to multiple platforms at once, creating visibility to all of your audiences segments
These are my weekend favs, I would love to hear about some of yours – Tweet me @ducttape
How To Create Predictable Recurring Revenue Streams Without Selling Your Hours written by Sara Nay read more at Duct Tape Marketing
About the show:
The Agency Spark Podcast, hosted by Sara Nay, is a collection of short-form interviews from thought leaders in the marketing consultancy and agency space. Each episode focuses on a single topic with actionable insights you can apply today. Check out the new Spark Lab Consulting website here!
About this episode:
In this episode of the Agency Spark Podcast, Sara talks with Shaahin Cheyene on how to create predictable recurring revenue streams without selling your hours.
Born in Iran, Cheyene is an award winning entrepreneur, writer and filmmaker currently based in Los Angeles, California. He is the CEO and Chairman of Accelerated Intelligence. Through Accelerated Intelligence, an Amazon Marketing & Advertising Agency, he manages the selling of his products and helps other Brand Owners to scale their online sales not just in Amazon but other marketplaces like: ebay, shopify & Walmart. Cheyene shares his passion for Amazon through his Amazon’s Course: Amazon Mastery.
More from Shaahin Cheyene:
Email Shaahin and get his one hour course on creating additional revenue streams for free at
Hack And Grow Rich Podcast
Billion Book
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This episode of the Agency Spark Podcast is brought to you by Termageddon, a Privacy Policy Generator. Any website collecting as little as an email address on a contact form should not only have a Privacy Policy but also have a strategy to keep it up to date when the laws change. Click here to learn more about how Termageddon can help protect your business and get 30% off your first year payment by using code DUCTTAPE at checkout.
Why Publishing A Book Helps Build Your Credibility written by John Jantsch read more at Duct Tape Marketing
Marketing Podcast with Michael DeLon
In this episode of the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast, I interview Michael DeLon. Michael is a Credibility Marketing Expert who helps business owners publish a book that positions them as an expert in their field. He’s also the author of On Marketing: The Definitive Guide for Small Business Owners.
Key Takeaway:
Building credibility as an expert in your field is an essential component to reaching new audiences and attracting new customers and clients. If you want to build your credibility, publishing a book is a way to do just that. In this episode, I talk with Michael DeLon about how publishing your own book helps you not only demonstrate your expertise but also differentiate yourself from your competition.
Questions I ask Michael DeLon:
[1:16] What has your journey to becoming a credibility marketing expert looked like?
[4:04] What is credibility marketing?
[5:35] A lot of people are self-proclaimed experts, self-proclaimed thought leaders – so who gets to decide if you’re credible or an expert?
[8:05] Is there something unique about the market or the way people buy today that makes credibility even more important?
[12:34] What makes a book a significant tool or significant channel over and above something like just doing video on LinkedIn?
[13:48] If you’ve got a decent idea, is there a formula to help people turn that into a book?
[15:01] Are you starting to see that this is a tactic that can actually work for people that might have the mindset that no one would want to read a book by them?
[16:03] Most authors and speakers have a book nowadays – but what are your thoughts on someone like a remodeling contractor that could write a book on ways to make your home suitable for your family? Wouldn’t that be a big differentiator?
[19:00] What’s your favorite book project that you’ve done, and what impact did it have on that person or business?
[21:56] Where can people find out more about your programs and your latest coaching program?
More About Michael DeLon:
Learn more about Michael’s programs –
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John Jantsch (00:00): This episode of the duct tape marketing podcast is brought to you by the Salesman Podcast, hosted by Will Barron brought to you by the HubSpot podcast network. Look, if you work in sales, wanna learn how to sell or just peek at the latest sales news. Check out the sales podcast where host Will Barron helps sales professionals learn how to find buyers and in big business in effective and ethical ways. One of my favorite episodes lately, how to personalize your sales outreach at massive scale, who doesn’t want to do that? Listen to the Salesman Podcast, wherever you get your podcast.
John Jantsch (00:46): Hello, and welcome to another episode of the duct tape marketing podcast. This is John Jantsch. My guest today is Michael Delon. He’s a credibility marketing expert who helps business owners publish a book that positions them as the expert in their field. He’s also the author of a book on marketing. So, Michael, thanks for joining me.
Michael DeLon (01:06): Hey, you’re welcome, John. I appreciate, uh, the opportunity to be here. It’s gonna be a fun conversation.
John Jantsch (01:10): So before we get into exactly what a credibility marketing expert does, what, uh, gimme a little bit of history on your kind of your journey.
Michael DeLon (01:20): Sure. Yeah. I’ll, I’ll try to make it quick. Wow. Back in the nineties, back in 1990, my wife and I got married, I was in Christian radio selling Christian radio, right. Realized my business, my, my clients didn’t wanna buy radio. They wanted to grow their business. So I decided instead of being really good at selling, I would learn about marketing. So I started buying books and going to the seminars. Then we left that after about nine years of doing that, went to a family ministry for about 10 years to help build marriages and families thought that was gonna be the last thing I ever did until they went through corporate reorganizations. And I found myself in prison as I call it a job that I hated did that for two years finally got fed up, talked to my wife, prayed. I said, I gotta get out of here, stepped out of, of ministry.
Michael DeLon (02:03): This was January of 2013. Stepped out of ministry, hit easy street, John. I started my own company and I I’d come out to you. I say, John, I think I can help you with your business. Cause I understand small business in marketing. You’d meet with me. We’d have a great conversation. You’d say, Michael, what have you done for the last few years? I said, I’ve build marriages and families and family life. And you would say that that’s awesome. Michael, look at the time I gotta go and you wouldn’t hire me. And I wasn’t getting any clients. And I said, I gotta fix this. So I was at my church one day, pacing, the hallways, just praying, going God, how can I help somebody? And he gave me the idea to take all of my marketing ideas and put them in a book. So I did.
Michael DeLon (02:41): I wrote a book. I, I knew nothing. I mean, you’ve published four, five I or six books. I, I knew nothing about publishing. So I wrote my first book on marketing. Then I would call you and I’d say, John, I think I can help you with your, your marketing. I’d mail a copy of my book to you. I’d walk into your office a week later. And there it was, my book was on your desk dog. You’d highlighted that. And you’d read my book in that meeting, John, you’d say now, Michael, in your book, you said, yeah, how do you help me do that? And you’d hire me. So what changed in those two meetings? Did my understanding of marketing change? Nope. Right. Did my background in ministry change? Nope. What John was how you thought of me when you got in my book, you immediately saw me as a marketing expert, right? You had pen in hand, ready to take down the solutions I had for you. That changed my, my life. I started gaining clients and I said, why don’t more business owners do this? Well, as you know, cause you’ve published so many books, a little challenging and publish it in new books. So our, our contention is that business owners are experts at what they do. Everybody wants to be an author. Nobody wants to write a book. We figured out how to make that happen. So that’s the short version, John of my story.
John Jantsch (03:52): Well, it’s interesting. I’ve worked with, uh, small business owners. Many of them are family businesses for many years. And I think a little bit of marriage and counseling will probably go a long way in working with that demographic.
Michael DeLon (04:03): Absolutely.
John Jantsch (04:04): So let’s define the term. I mean, I think you started to unpack a little bit, but let’s just define, you know, the Webster’s dictionary term of, you know, what is credibility marketing?
Michael DeLon (04:15): Yeah. Credibility marketing is being seen by your odd audience as trustworthy. Right. And believable. Right. Okay. We’ve all heard for years. They gotta know like, and trust you. Right. I, I love, and I hate that definition. It’s just beat to death, right? Yeah. Credibility goes to the next level because it deals with really how the perception your audience has of you. The and, and do they feel that connection that yes, you’re a person of integrity. You have a consistent message and I believe that you are who you say you are and can do what you say can do. Now I wanna have a conversation to see for a good fit. Right. Really is the big difference.
John Jantsch (04:58): Yeah. And I think as you, uh, describe that too, I think gets a huge differentiator as well. Right? I mean, because part of the challenge with people who sell marketing services, for example, marketing consulting is 200 other people in my town that do it too. So how do I kind of stand out and have somebody say, well, you know what, I’m gonna talk to you instead of them
Michael DeLon (05:16): AB absolutely. And there is no better differentiator on earth, in my opinion than handing somebody a copy of the book you wrote. Right. And said, I’m the author of yeah. Right. It stops them in their tracks.
John Jantsch (05:29): So one of the, one of the challenges, I think nobody disagrees with that point of view. Right. But, but you see a lot of people sort of self proclaimed experts, self proclaimed thought leaders, you know, I mean, who gets to decide if, if you’re credible or an expert.
Michael DeLon (05:44): Yeah. Great question. At the end of the day, it is your audience. Right. Right. People determine credibility through a, a variety of, of, of ways. Right. Do you have media credentials, have you been featured? Do you have experts? All of that, but the real aspect, John is we’re, we’re looking for an opportunity to connect with a prospect and have a conversation. What better way to do that than to hand them a copy of your book and let them read and spend one on one time with you through the pages of the book so that they will bond with you understand your message when you do that, you gain credibility. Yeah. Because what they’ve seen on your website or on your Facebook ads or whatever, it’s consistent, that’s the real essence of the credibility.
John Jantsch (06:33): Yeah. And I think there’s a lot of people that attach credibility to a book, you know, it’s easier than ever to write a book now. Of course. And uh, so, so maybe some of that’s left over from a day when it was a very exclusive club right. Of people writing books. But in truth, what we’re talking about is content in general. I mean yeah. Audio content, your content on your website, content of your emails and then certainly a giant mega content piece of content Absolut a book. Right?
Michael DeLon (07:01): Absolutely. Yeah. Cuz I mean, we’ve got a whole coaching program for people who don’t even have books. Yeah. Because credibility doesn’t necessitate a book, right? Yeah. Yeah. But it is the, it’s the content and, and John, what I found many times, it’s your story. You asked me my story at the beginning, that’s unique to me and my competitors cannot compete with that story. Right? Yeah. Every business owner has a story, but what I find is they don’t tell it and they don’t. And so that’s one thing we help them do at the very beginning is help us understand your story because that plays into what we would call brand G that set you apart. So that you’re not just another financial advisor or CPA or attorney. You’re a guy who has a unique story. And now you can tell me about that story and how that plays into my life because of, of how it connects with all the dots. So that’s one of the biggest things I, I see business owners just really miss in the boat on.
John Jantsch (08:00): So having credibility of course has always been important. I mean, that’s never gonna hurt you. Right. But, but is there something unique about the market or the way people buy, uh, today that makes it even more important? There seems to be a lot more emphasis on this idea.
Michael DeLon (08:15): Oh yeah. Well, without question, I, I think because the, the market has been flooded, not only right advertising, but with practitioners. Right. And I don’t care where you go, whether you’re an attorney, a CPA, a financial advisor, a dog trainer, I can go to Google and find 22 of them. Yeah. How am I gonna know who who’s a good fit for me? And that’s why a, I, I want simple websites with compelling copy. Yeah. I want videos. I want podcasts. I want books to read. I wanna know who you are and is your message consistent? And are you the type of person I even like. Yeah. Right. That’s that all of that builds credibility nugget by nugget layer upon layer. I, I had a client yesterday. We were doing his podcast and he, he written a book with me and he said, I just got a client. She’s 30. This is a retirement financial advisor. Right. Got a client. She’s 30. She said, I got a copy of your book. I’ve listened to numerous podcasts. And I’ve read a couple of your articles. Now I’m ready to have a conversation with you. Yeah. He built credibility through a variety of media of content and she felt good to, to, we forget that marketing’s about winning people’s hearts and getting them to believe we’re the right person and waiting for them to be ready. It’s not a, it’s not a light switch. Yeah. It’s a relationship.
John Jantsch (09:38): Well, I tell people all the time, I think the things that changed the most that we underestimate, a lot of times the thing that’s changed the most about marketing is how people are able to and choose to buy today. And just what you described. I mean, it used, there was a day when somebody had to wait for me to send an ad or put an ad out there or, you know, do a sales call and convince them that I was the right choice. But in many cases today, I think people just doing what you said, listen to a podcast, listen to this. I mean, they’ve already made their mind up that you’re the right choice. And I think that’s why I think the emphasis on the need for this is so great. Isn’t it?
Michael DeLon (10:11): Well, it, it is. And when, whether you have a podcast or a book or something, right. It’s I call it precon, auditioning people to hire you before you ever meet with them. People are researching. Yeah. They’re all over the internet. What’s on your website. Are, are you educational? Are you entertainment? Are you what I call infotainment? Right. Yeah. Yeah. How are you engaging with people in, in keeping it and forth? Yep. Talking about their needs and how you serve people, giving examples and giving them an opportunity to walk through, um, that process to say, yeah, I’m ready to have a conversation with you. And I don’t feel like you’re a used car salesman, right. That,
John Jantsch (10:51): That, well, and I think the other thing that probably raises the bar quite significantly too, is that now, you know, when I, I started my consulting practice, you know, in Kansas city, Missouri, you know, that’s who I could effectively go after were people there? Well, I can, I sell to people now in 12 or 13 countries. And so now all of a sudden, you know, every marketing consultant is competing maybe with every Mar marketing consultant around the world. And so, so the need to stay it out. I think it’s just the bar’s gone up significantly. Well,
Michael DeLon (11:22): It, it really has. And, and really at, at your level, but at a business owner’s level, your ideal client is going to buy you right. More than what you do. Sure. Right. And that’s where that credibility really comes out. And the consistency of message. And are, are you a good fit? And, and your whole funnel, your process should be all about giving information, directing them down a path and saying, this is who I am. This is how we operate. We would love to serve you, take the next step when you’re ready.
John Jantsch (11:53): And now we’re from a sponsor. You know, small business owners have a lot on their plate, but luckily you don’t have to be a graphic designer, extraordinaire, superstar, creative strategist, or marketing Maven to make your work, come to life on social with Vista Create, you can create beautiful assets without design experience or needing to it to a third party, making it the ultimate hack for creating slick visuals that boost engagement. You can have designs that look like they took hours made in minutes, and you can try it out for free @
John Jantsch (12:29): So let’s go, uh, back to books. Um, what makes a book sort of a significant tool or significant channel maybe over and above? Just, you know, doing video on LinkedIn.
Michael DeLon (12:42): Yeah. Great question. Still in the mind of consumers, Pete experts have books. Yeah. Period. That’s why you’ve written five of them. It’s why Tony Robbins is who he is. Cuz he is got books, right? Yeah. And he book. So that’s number one is how the mind thinks about authors. Number one, number two, it gives you real estate. It gives you time. When we read books, we read them one, one on one, right? Yeah. I don’t gather my family to read a book. I read it. So I’m bonding with you through the pages of your book, sharing your story as I’m reading your book, I’m nodding on. Oh yeah. Or new I’m underlining. You’re connecting with me. And then hopefully your book has mechanisms to go back to your website, listen to a podcast. It’s the content delivery of, are you meeting me where I am and are you sharing stories that help me understand that you have helped other people go to where I, I need to go. Yeah.
John Jantsch (13:35): So you, we already talked about the hard part. I think a lot of people probably believe that it’s, you know, it’s very hard or don’t believe they can write 56,473 words, you know, in one, on one topic, what have you been able to do? Or is there sort of a formula for saying, look, if you’ve got a halfway decent idea, we can get it into a book. I mean, is there something you’ve done to, to, to kind of make that process less arduous?
Michael DeLon (13:59): Yeah, absolutely. We created, uh, years ago, what we call our speak to write process. Okay. You can talk about your business all day long so it can every business on it. Right? Right. What we do is we have a team of expert writers who jump on a phone call or a zoom call. We ask questions to build the outline for the book because you’re an for, you can, again, you can talk about this. We help you structure what’s in your head and in your heart to an outline. And then from that outline our writers, get you to speak and, and record all of your content. And then our writers craft that and massage your words, your content, your voice into the book, you’re obviously in total control of it, but it saves so much time in, in less than we’ve clocked it. If you stay on our process less than 24 o’clock hours of your time to create a book over about five or six months of our time. Right? Yeah,
John Jantsch (14:47): Yeah, yeah. Yeah. So I, I, you know, I think you could make a case globally for saying, well, every business can use a book or every business owner. I, I mean, there’s no question a consultant, you know, a professional service provider. I mean, that’s a no brainer, but are you starting to see that, that this is a tactic that can actually work for, you know, people that would traditionally think, why does anybody wanna read a book from me?
Michael DeLon (15:13): Yeah, absolutely. You know, I, I walked into a grocery store a few years ago. It was, um, national chain and the owner of that national train was a regional chain. The owner of that regional chain had written a book telling his story. I’m like a grocery store. Uh, we done it for dog trainers, a guy who trains canine dogs for police forces. Right. Go figure. But what happens is people read the book and because you’re just sharing your knowledge in a specific way, you’re automatically elevated in that person’s mind as the expert. Well guess what, they’re gonna find you on LinkedIn or Facebook or a blog. And they’re gonna tell other people around you cuz your market’s not just your audience, it’s their sphere of I yeah. And, and we haven’t even talked about referrals with the book and how powerful that is. Cuz everybody says, well, I love referrals. Do you have a system in place to give, get re so I dunno if that helped or not.
John Jantsch (16:03): Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. Well, and, and the, the thing that I think is interesting about is because every author, speaker consultant has a book, you know, I mean, because that’s, it’s just like you have to, but how about that remodeling contractor, you know, that could write a book about, you know, how to make your home suitable for, you know, your family or whatever, you know? I mean that, that kind of thing would be such a differentiator, wouldn’t it?
Michael DeLon (16:27): Oh, absolutely. We I’ve got a, I’ve got a book on shelf, uh, home inspector. Okay. It doesn’t get more generic than home inspection dude. Yeah. Yeah. And as he came to us, we got his story, which is where we always start. He’s a football referee on weekends and that’s what he loves to do. And he said, there’s a lot of con consistency between referee and football and home inspection there’s rules, there’s foul. And, and we rebranded him as America’s home inspection referee. So when he comes out to, um, do your home inspection, guess what? He’s wearing a referees outfit. Yeah. When he sees something wrong with your house, guess what he puts on it, a yellow.
John Jantsch (17:00): Oh, I, I thought he just yeah. Threw a
Michael DeLon (17:02): Well, oh, there it is. Now tell me, does he now have price elasticity because he’s got a great compelling message. Right? Anybody can do that. It’s a matter of discovering your story and connecting the dots. It’s it’s not rocket science.
John Jantsch (17:16): Well, and you make a really good point too. Um, that I think often is underestimated. You know, all of these things go together, right? I mean, not the book was just a piece of telling the story, but there was a story and a brand promise and a differentiation that became part of the over overall arching strategy. Isn’t it?
Michael DeLon (17:32): Oh, absolutely. Yeah. And I mean, the book’s great. It, because you know, with our book program, we create a podcast for our clients and we interview them on every chapter. So now they have content going out in audio form. We do it on zoom so that now they have videos to go out. And now you’re populating YouTube and LinkedIn and Facebook with videos of you being the expert. Again, it’s taking a piece of content saying how many different ways can I use that one piece of content? Yeah. I’ve got a book, I’ve got a blog, I’ve got a Facebook post. I’ve got a video. I’ve got a podcast. You pretty soon. You’re the only, and trust me, John you’re competitors are not marketing this way.
John Jantsch (18:06): Right? Yeah. Yeah. It’s such, you know, in some ways going into these non-traditional fields and doing this, it’s such a differentiator because nobody else is doing it. Yeah.
Michael DeLon (18:17): Well, no. Okay. Let’s alright. Roofers flooring, contractors, plumbers, electricians. They all have a bad reputation. Right. They don’t show up. They don’t. I, we had, we did a, a, a book for a roofer here in town. And he specifically niche in being your roof leak detective. Yeah. That’s his whole thing. Right. And it was just beautiful to position him that way and say, you’ve got roofers, but I, I can find the leak and then he uses it for commercial, but he wrote the book on it. Yeah. Do you think that makes an impact when you’re looking at four different roofing companies, the guy can hand you his book game over. Yeah.
John Jantsch (18:51): Yeah. So I think you’ve kind, I was gonna ask you about some success stories, but I think you’ve shared some, maybe just pick up your, pick out your favorite, um, kind of book project that you’ve done and, and maybe talk a little bit about what the impact for that person or business was.
Michael DeLon (19:09): Yeah.
John Jantsch (19:10): They always hard. Yeah.
Michael DeLon (19:12): It, it is. Cuz we got many, there’s an attorney down in, I think it’s Fort Lauderdale, Florida, personal injury attorney, young guy going against two major dogs. Okay. These, these other guys were spending millions a a month and he doesn’t have that budget. He’s on TV to comes to me. We, we talk about his story. He was a baseball player from the Northeast, went to, to on baseball. Scholarship was a pitcher, threw his arm out second year, ruined his baseball career, went to law school. Now he’s a personal injury attorney. Okay. We got that story. And we realized he went through rehab. He went through all the stuff that he helps his clients go through now. Yeah. And we said time out here it is. So his book is when what to do when life throws you a curve ball ties into his unique story, his competitors can’t compete about it meets his audience right where they are.
Michael DeLon (20:04): Yeah. Now when he’s on television being interviewed, which was what he was doing saying, I’m a personal injury attorney. I can get you millions of dollars against the big dogs done work. He said, he tells his story. He says, get a free copy of my book. You can read my story and what you can do and what you need to do when life throws you a curve ball. Yeah. It’s a beautiful message on, and what’s happened is when he is on TV. Now he gets a lot more people requesting his book that he mails out to them. And he has a relationship. His business is only consistently because he has a clear message that ties to his story. That’s different than anybody else.
John Jantsch (20:41): Yeah. And that brings up another point too. The people he’s competing against are spending, you know, $30,000 a month on an SEO firm, you know, running probably got billboards, probably running radio. Right. And what he’s doing is costing, you know, a 10th of that or, or you know, a 20th of that. Right. Absolutely. And I think that’s a point that credibility can really bring isn’t it, it
Michael DeLon (21:01): Really is. And right. So think about this, John, and this is the reason I love books. If you, if he had, if he buys a hundred copies of his book and he hands them out to his prospects and clients, he goes out to universities where he used to play baseball. He hands his book all out, he’s all over the place. You don’t need to reach the entire Fort Lauderdale market. Right. He needs a smaller market that he can be consistently relentless in and it will change everything. You don’t need massive budgets. You need smart marketing. Yeah. And that’s the one thing I found even. I mean, there are a lot of guys, a lot of business who’ve written books, John, they don’t know what to do with that book to market their firm. That’s why we started our coaching programs to help them up there because there’s so much you can do. And, and most of it is low cost or no cost strategy, the GS to go, how do I position myself differently and do that flank move around the big dog. Cause we all have them. Right. Yeah.
John Jantsch (21:56): All right. Michael, tell people where they can find out more about, uh, your programs, including your latest coaching program.
Michael DeLon (22:01): Yeah. Yeah. If you go to, uh, just paperback, that’s our website. Everything you need about us is there and yeah. It’s the easiest way. Paperback
John Jantsch (22:12): All right. Well thanks Michael. For some by the duct tape marketing podcast and hopefully we’ll, uh, run into each other one of these days out there on the road.
Michael DeLon (22:18): That sounds great, John. Thanks for having me, buddy. All
John Jantsch (22:20): Righty.
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Is It Too Late To Start A Podcast? written by John Jantsch read more at Duct Tape Marketing
Marketing Podcast with Dan Franks
In this episode of the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast, I interview Dan Franks. Dan is the Co-founder and president of Podcast Movement, the world’s largest conference and trade show for the podcast industry. He is a CPA and was formerly the Business Manager and Director of Live Events for Midroll Media.
Key Takeaway:
It seems like everyone today has a podcast. You might be wondering if it’s too late to start yours – the short answer? No. It’s not too late. The market may be more crowded than it once was, but people are still listening to podcasts at a growing rate. Podcasts are and will continue to be an amazing marketing tool that gives you a way to build a community and gives you a platform to advertise your products and services. In this episode, Dan Franks shares why podcasting isn’t dead and advice on starting your own.
Questions I ask Dan Franks:
[1:11] Can you give me a little bit of the history behind Podcast Movement?
[1:55] What does Podcast Movement look like today?
[3:26] What’s been your history, and how did you get into podcasting?
[5:12] If you were talking to someone who was thinking about starting a podcast, would you tell them now it’s too late?
[11:31] What you’ve seen people doing to make podcast guesting just as effective as podcast hosting?
[13:03] Have you seen any really out-of-the-box uses for being a guest on a podcast?
[14:32] Companies today are coming up with different uses for podcasts – what kind of trends along those lines are you seeing?
[15:56] If I’ve got my show going, how do I get more listeners?
[18:44] What’s the best starter set up for somebody who wants to get going on a podcast?
[20:54] What’s your current podcast setup?
[22:52] Where can people find out more about your work?
More About Dan Franks:
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John Jantsch (00:00): This episode of the duct tape marketing podcast is brought to you by the Salesman Podcast, hosted by will Barron brought to you by the HubSpot podcast network. Look, if you work in sales, wanna learn how to sell or just peek at the latest sales news. Check out the sales podcast where host Will Barron helps sales professionals learn how to find buyers and in big business in effective and ethical ways. One of my favorite episodes lately, how to personalize your sales outreach at massive scale, who doesn’t want to do that, listen to the salesman podcast, wherever you get your podcast.
John Jantsch (00:45): Hello, and welcome to another episode of the duct tape marketing podcast. This is John Jantsch. My guest today is Dan Franks. He’s a co-founder and president of podcast movement, the world’s largest conference and trade show for the podcast industry. And he’s a CPA was formerly the businessman manager and director of live events for mid role media. So Dan, welcome to the show.
Dan Franks (01:07): Thanks for having me, John I’m super excited.
John Jantsch (01:10): So, so give me a little bit of the history of podcast movement. I guess let’s start there. The trade show that you run and known.
Dan Franks (01:18): Yeah, so there was four of us who were big time podcast fans and podcasters ourselves. And, uh, this would’ve been 20 12, 20 13, somewhere in there and quickly realized that it was a, a somewhat lonely space sitting in closets recording, you know, your own voice and maybe having a guest. And at that time it was trying to figure out how to record people on Skype. And it was really just a very impersonal, medium to be a creator. And so getting together, we thought it would be really neat to create some kind of environment where we could get together with other creators and learn, you know, learn from each other, but meet each other and really just kind of bring some personal connections to this creation side of things. And that’s where we started in 2014.
John Jantsch (01:56): So, so I guess now tell me, what does it look like today?
Dan Franks (01:59): Yeah, so at that time it was, you know, kind of a community gathering. We about five or 600 people at that first year event, which is, was really big way bigger than we thought it would be. We actually launched it on Kickstarter. So really just kind of throwing it against the wall to see if anyone else was out there. That thought it was a good idea. And since then, it’s grown to a twice a year event where each event gets, you know, somewhere between a thousand and over 3000 attendees each year, and then a Facebook community with 70,000 members, that’s super active, the largest Facebook community for podcasters. So really just grown to, you know, a lot of other things too. We’ve got a daily newsletter, that’s got over 25,000 subscribers. That’s all about, you know, podcasting and news and tips and tricks and all that. So really grown from just that, you know, idea of a game gathering to now, this living, breathing kind of media machine, all for people who create podcasts,
John Jantsch (02:50): You know, it’s funny, you mentioned that about it being kind of a lonely space. I actually started mine in, in 2005. So I, I may be one of the, the old school oldest school, particularly of continuously running because you know, a lot of people that started when I did, I think it was hard to do. It was hard to get people to listen because there weren’t, you know, we didn’t have the iPhone, you know, app that, uh, came, you know, delivered with the iPhone. And so I think a lot of people did give up on it because they really weren’t building any audience or didn’t see any point in it, uh, no, necessarily, but then obviously once it became much more mainstream, probably around 2012, 13 is when it really probably took off again. So, so what’s been your history. I mean, you said you were a, a CPA, uh, that’s not necessarily an industry that jumped into podcasting early on. So, so what was kind of were, was that a real differentiator for you as a CPA or was podcasting just a side gig?
Dan Franks (03:41): Yeah, so, I mean, it started as a CPA sitting, you know, working 80 hour weeks behind a computer, just kind of, you know, plugging and chug chugging numbers and trying to figure out what to do to pass the time. And podcasting was from a listening standpoint, something that really filled that gap. And then from there, you know, just kind of thinking, Hey, maybe I should try this. A lot of people do with while listening to a podcast, it’s very common thing. And yeah, ended up connecting with a coworker who had similar thoughts. We were both accountants. We, at that time were specializing in, they call it outsource, uh, CFP. So we were kind of helping small business owners with their financial, not just taxes, but a lot of their financial planning and book keeping and situations like that. And we thought it would be real cool to kind of talk about small business, best practices and interview small business owners and that kind of thing.
Dan Franks (04:28): Yeah. And now that’s like one of the most common niches in podcasting, a small business, but you know, 20 12, 20 13, it was still a little bit more of a, of a open pond, so to speak and yeah, just started that way and really kind of immersed ourselves into that creator community. And like I said, the one thing led to another and we just really enjoyed being creators ourselves and getting no other creators. And that led to us kind of putting together that, you know, curating that community and, and led to a podcast movement as it is today.
John Jantsch (04:56): You know, you mentioned that. I mean, it was such a great differentiator right early on. I mean, it really kind of raised a lot of people to the ranks of authority, but you have a lot of people now that’re saying, you know, the world doesn’t need another podcast. I mean, there’s too many of ’em. I know the answer to this, but I’m gonna ask you if you were talking to somebody thinking about starting a podcast and they had a good idea and a good platform, would you tell ’em now it’s, it’s too late?
Dan Franks (05:19): No, it’s not too late, but it’s definitely crowded and whatever you can think of that you wanna find a podcast about for the most part, there’s a podcast out there. So really the approach, you know, back then, wasn’t, you know, back then we could say, is there a podcast on this topic? There’s a good chance. It isn’t. So you can dive in and be the one and kind of, you know, have that, that early first to market, uh, effect so to speak. Whereas now there’s pretty much ever everything out there. So, you know, what’s the angle is that you’re going to do it at better quality. Are you gonna tell better stories? Are you going to have better guests? Are you going to bring a different angle of ex your experience to the table? Are you representing a brand that hasn’t ever had that outlet to speak to its customers or its potential customers? So what are you doing that’s different that would just make somebody who’s searching your topic in the iTunes, you know, apple play store or in Spotify searching your topic and come across yours and make you pick yours versus the other one that has to do with, uh, you know, a similar topic.
John Jantsch (06:14): Yeah. And I, I think the good news is yes, the market is crowded, but there’s also, you know, millions and millions of more people listening to podcasts. So, so every niche that you could think of has got a pretty good size audience, I suspect.
Dan Franks (06:28): Yeah. And it’s, you know, it’s exciting now because back even five years ago, really to be a successful podcast, a lot of people saw it, meaning you get over 10,000 listeners and you start to be able to sell ads and have advertisers on your show and you make money with the podcast. Whereas now there’s so many different definitions of success when it comes to your podcast. It could be, yes. I want to get a whole lot of listeners and sell advertisements, or it could be, I have this product or service that I’m trying to start on the side. And the podcast is meant to be a funnel for that or, or, you know, some, so, so in that particular instance, okay, success, isn’t 10,000 plus listeners and being able to sell ads it’s can I convert one of my 100 listeners every month to being a customer?
Dan Franks (07:09): And then that’s way more, you know, way more profitable for you if that’s your goal than just trying to, you know, fight for advertisers. So, you know, now I think there’s so many, any more opportunities and with tools like Patreon and all these, where you can kind of, uh, launch these additional add-ons for your listeners. Now, you don’t necessarily, again, need those thousands and thousands of listeners. You just need either listeners who are gonna convert for you or your business, or who are going to kind of support you as a creator from that, you know, crowdfunding type standpoint, that premium offerings type standpoint. So just so many more ways now to define success.
John Jantsch (07:44): Well, and I’m, I’m glad you touched on it too, because I tell business owners all the time, you know, think of it as a potential lead generation, uh, tool as well. I mean, if you’re, I’m a consultant, if let’s say I’m targeting, you know, midsize company CEO as well, I’m gonna do a show, getting best practices of mid-size company CEOs, and I’m gonna have ’em on my show. It’s gonna be great content, but at some point some of them are gonna go, oh, I’ll take your phone call now and listen to what you know, you, I mean, so you’re not using it to sell necessarily, but you’re using it to get access to a potential target market. I, I think that one of the most underutilized, you know, aspects of podcasts, you become a member of the media.
Dan Franks (08:25): Yeah. And, and another thing that kind of, that, that reminds me of is one of the things we see a lot now are like professionals. You know, we talked about the accountant thing, but professionals who are almost talking shop amongst themselves, and it’s not meant for the customer, it’s meant for other people in your position. So for instance, you might be some sort of specialized surgeon that there’s only, you know, a thousand of you in the world, but if you’re doing a podcast just for, you know, you and your fellow colleagues and you start listening, everyone else starts listening to the show. Well, then you’ve got these super high dollar advertisers who desperately want to get in front of that particular type of doctor, you know, people aren’t reading magazines anymore. And, you know, there’s limited ways to get in front of just that targeted audience.
Dan Franks (09:05): But if you have a podcast where, okay, it maybe only has 150 listeners an episode, but 150 of ’em are the exact type of doctor that you’re trying to get in front of for your, you know, piece of medical equipment or whatever it is. There’s hardly any other way to get in front of that group in such a targeted way. So again, like there’s, we see that type of thing start popping up or dentists in a lot of it’s in the medical, but it just becomes such a, you know, such a targeted way that you can, you know, create content and get in front of those advertisers that become super profitable. And some, I talked to one doctor who started taking less and less shifts to put more and more focus. And you know, the starting salary there is already pretty good, but the podcast is doing better. So it’s pretty exciting.
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John Jantsch (10:42): So let’s flip the mic around. Um, a lot of times when people talk about podcasting, they think, oh, okay, I have to start a podcast to use podcasting. I actually started an entire company called podcast bookers, sorry, there’s my ad podcast, that that our whole intent was to actually get people on podcasts as guests. And I think a lot of times, certainly a lot of people like to be on shows, but actually making that a very intentional part of your marketing, uh, activity to get on the right shows to get the exposure, you know, to get maybe the scene as well. You know, an expert you’re gonna get content, but the little dirty little secret is, I dunno about you Dan, but when somebody comes on my show, I promote the heck out of that show. I promote the heck out of the links that they mentioned, you know, on the show. So it’s the greatest way to get back links today. So talk to me about, you know, your idea or what you’ve seen people doing to make podcast guesting, just as effecti as podcast hosting.
Dan Franks (11:38): Yeah. So, I mean, obviously there’s services like the one you provide that kind of curates what shows would be best for you as a potential guest, but you know, that’s something and you would say this too, that someone, if they wanted to, you know, roll their sleeves up and put in the dirty work, they could do that themselves. And I think there’s a lot of value that goes into finding those right fits for you as a guest to be on. I, I like to say like, look at the longevity of these shows that you’re potentially sure looking to get on because quite honestly, a lot of people do get that shiny object syndrome, right. And start their own show and you might get pitched to be a guest on that show and it looks good because it’s this fun idea and you go back and check it out after your episode is released.
Dan Franks (12:14): Like six months later, you check it out and the show’s, you know, sunset and no one’s gonna ever hear your show again, because it’s gone it’s off the air. So yeah, I think, you know, as you’re, if you’re looking to be intentional about being a guest go, you know, research shows spend some time find those best practices or again, you know, work with someone like you, but yeah, just getting in front of those audiences. And again, like I said about those people that can, you know, buy advertisements on very specialized shows, that same approach can be taken to being a guest. You can find very specialized shows that are the exact right audience that you’re looking to get in front of. Yeah. And if you bring something compelling other than just a pitch for yourself, but something compelling, you know, an expertise that maybe some, one else couldn’t provide or that, that show was never featured before, you know, you can be as much of a value add to that show as, you know, getting that value in return.
John Jantsch (13:01): I had a client tell me this one and I’d love to hear, you know, if you’ve seen any really out of the box uses that he actually went and found shows that other guests were kind of his profile of who he was looking for. He’d go beyond the show. And then he would go through the list of guests and contact them, say, Hey, I saw you were on this show too. You know, I really loved your episode. You know, maybe, you know, I’d love to, I’d love to meet you and hear more about what you do. And he, he actually uses it as a somewhat aggressive lead generation or lead mining approach.
Dan Franks (13:32): Yeah. I mean, I think there’s a couple different angle there where being on podcasts or hosting podcasts really kind of put you in connection with people that otherwise you wouldn’t be able to. So I know a lot of people who host Joe’s and bring on guests who otherwise, if they had just cold emailed this person, they’d never make this connection, whether it’s a famous person or an influencer in their space, same thing goes with that. If you have that, that, like you said, that, that commonality, Hey, we were both on this show and I, I really enjoyed your episode. Like, can we connect that’s, you know, one, a foot in the door that you otherwise wouldn’t have had that to be able to relate to people. So yeah, a lot of different ways to skin the cat in terms of leveraging podcasts and guesting and being a guest and having guests, you know, to further, you know, your personal or your professional brand.
John Jantsch (14:14): So in the end, we’re really just talking about content, audio content, right. And so a lot of people think in terms of it as a broadcast out to the world, but I’m in, I’m seeing one trend I’m seeing is increasingly companies are using it, you know, even internally or communities are using it internally, just as a communications means what kind of trends along those lines are you seeing?
Dan Franks (14:35): Yeah. We’re starting to see a lot of, like you said, companies who are not necessarily replacing, but supplementing that weekly, you know, company update with an audio version of it, or maybe they’re interviewing whether it’s executives or just interviewing other employees of the company to where you can kind of, you know, learn the stories of the people that you either work with, or that are maybe in other departments. So really just kind of bringing a little more personality to what otherwise would be that weekly team update email. Yeah. I’m also seeing yeah. Municipalities and cities and counties use both YouTube. So video style, but also podcasts for those weekly, you know, updates that the city might send out. You know, don’t forget trash is getting picked up, you know, late this week cuz of the holiday. And that sounds super boring, but there’s a lot of people who, Hey, I just want to hear that, you know, three minute update from the city and I’m more likely to listen to the podcast than read the newsletter. So that’s a super exciting trend we’re seeing. And then, you know, a little bit in a similar way, we’re seeing these, you know, companies use it a little bit more for content marketing and, and communications with customers or, or potential customers. So in a similar way of, you know, disseminating information as, you know, municipality or a company with it for internal communication, we’re seeing a lot of that for external as well. So a lot of kind of newer developments in extensions of what podcasts might be.
John Jantsch (15:51): All right. So a, I know you don’t have the silver bullet answer to this, but I know you also get asked this question a lot. So I got my show going, how do I get more listeners?
Dan Franks (16:00): Yeah, no, that is, and you mentioned in, you know, 2005, it was hard to find listeners because you know, there weren’t that many of them to begin with the limited shows, but limited listeners. And now it’s the opposite problem. Lots of shows and lots of listeners. Lot of what we see working really well are, is cross promotion between shows, right? I know, you know, on some of your episodes, you have, I think it’s paid sponsorships, but it’s podcasts advertising on another podcast and new shows can do that, have that same effect on one another, just by finding shows, maybe in a similar niche or that might have complimentary audiences and really help each other promote like, Hey, if you like my, this other show you should check out. And we know it works because we see the big, the biggest networks in the world cross promoting their own shows on their own shows.
Dan Franks (16:41): So that’s a great way. Just once you’ve got a show going, you’ve got a track record, reach out to similar shows. We also see something called feed drops done on a somewhat regular basis. And that’s when you find those same shows, maybe develop that rapport with them by by cross-promoting. And then you actually drop one of your episodes on their feed and they’ll drop one of their episodes on your feed. So you’re not just telling them about, you know, telling your audience about this show and you might record a custom intro on the front end and say, Hey, you know, this week we’re taking off, but we’ve got this special bonus episode of a show that I think you’re really gonna like, and then the, they listen to it and then they’ll seek it out and subscribe. So a lot of kind of ways like that, where again, everything we do is community focused. Yeah. Um, at podcast movement and that’s a community focused type way to help yourself grow and other people as well.
John Jantsch (17:27): I tell you what I’ve done a couple times and it’s been really fun, especially when I have like a new book coming out or something like that. So I have a reason to be very promo emotional myself is I’ll actually have a guest host. So I’ll actually have somebody come on my show, who does a show and interview me on my own podcast. And now obviously it gives ’em an opportunity to, or, or she to promote their show. So another kind of fun twist.
Dan Franks (17:50): Yeah. Yeah. I mean, there’s all kinds of things you can do. And that’s the fun thing about podcasting and, and YouTube and blogging and anything else where, you know, there’s not really anyone telling you what you can and can’t do. You can just come up with ideas like that, try it. And if it bombs, don’t do it again. But if it works, which a lot of times it does, then, you know, you know, it might go after and do it again.
John Jantsch (18:10): So let’s, we a geek out forever on this. So I’ll try to keep it short. You know, let’s talk just a moment about the tech for podcasting. When I first started, I actually recorded phone calls. I had a little device that I bought from the FBI. I think that plugged in, it was almost like tapping the phone and then it would go into an external recorder and, and I would have to upload that file. It was a mess. It was a lot it’s, it’s why a lot of people quit early because it was so much work. Now, of course, we’ve got where you and I are recording this on Riverside. You know, there’s all kinds of tools to transcribe, do all this stuff at a minimum. What’s in your opinion, the best kind of starter set up for, you know, somebody who wants to get going on a podcast.
Dan Franks (18:51): Yeah. I think the best starter set up is to get a basic USB microphone. There’s several out there that you can research and they’re, you know, 50 between 50 and a hundred dollars. It’s an investment for sure. But it’s not a gigantic one, right. Plugs directly into your computer or your laptop. Uh, they dynamic microphones usually. So they’re pretty good about canceling out external noises. Right. And yeah, so like from a technical setup, like bare bones, USB microphone, the two that we really like are the audio Technica, uh, 2100, I believe is the current model. And then there’s a Q2 Q2 U by Sampson. Those two are very good. They come with little Mike stands. So really those plugged into your laptop and a semi quiet environ, we’ll give you pretty good results just to start. And then there’s all kinds of like hosting companies out there that’ll provide free service.
Dan Franks (19:37): Anchor is the most known one, but some of the really good ones out there red circle is one. I really like, uh, that is free hosting. And you can, yeah. You know, put a, get a podcast ready to go for somewhat minimal investment. Now I don’t necessarily think you should just like get on there, plug the microphone in record, publish a podcast. Definitely think there’s some, you know, planning and, you know, mapping out what you want this show to be and getting some episodes under your belt before launching. But you know, at bare minimum, it’s not a giant investment. We were talking before getting on the air, I’m in a room with a road caster, which is a giant mixer with fancy lights and a bunch of mic microphones all over. Those are cool to have, but definitely think people should, you know, get started, make sure they like it. You know, my parents used to always, you know, we’ll buy you, you know, something small and make sure you like it. And then we’ll get you the expensive bike. If you actually, you know, show us, you actually wanna ride the bike on a regular basis. Same thing with this. Like you can definitely go more expensive, but make sure it’s something you wanna with before spending too much.
John Jantsch (20:34): Okay. My current every day, Mike is as sure what’s this one S SM seven B, I think they call sure. SM seven B into a cloud lifter, which lifts the gain into a two mix mixer channel that, or it’s actually a four mixer channel. I just use two channels. That was probably a hundred dollars. So, I mean, all, all in all pretty professional setup, you know, under a grant. And what’s your current setup,
Dan Franks (20:56): Dan? The one I’m using here in this little, uh, studio at my coworking space, it’s as sure SM seven B the same microphone. Yeah, probably one of the, the, the better high end microphones there. But like I said, the roader a mixer, which it’s a great mixer. It’s really good if you’re recording three or four people at once in the same location and
John Jantsch (21:12): Like the Eagles are there and they wanna perform. There
Dan Franks (21:15): You go. There you go.
John Jantsch (21:17): Cause it could handle that.
Dan Franks (21:18): Yeah, for sure. But yeah, I mean, it’s, you know, like I said, most, a lot of people would not notice the difference between the listener. When I say, say people, the difference between the a hundred dollars setup and the thousand dollars setup, a lot of it is how you use it, what your recording environment is like, if you’re, you know, got the window open and there’s someone mowing the lawn outside, it doesn’t matter how expensive your setup is. It’s still gonna sound like the window’s open and someone’s mowing the lawn outside. But you know, everything from, uh, I, I know people, I know very large podcast who record in their closet because, you know, close everywhere and really dampens the sound and creates a really nice recording environment. I know someone who’s a, a college professor who wears his graduation gown kind of throws it over him as he records. And again, it’s like a little recording booth. So, uh, a lot of the podcasters you listen to on a regular basis, they’re making due with whatever they can in the house. I mean, that’s something that anyone and everyone could figure out kind of a solution for
John Jantsch (22:12): One of my first guests early on was Tim Ferris, right after the four hour work work week had come out and he was on a mobile phone walking on a windy day. So you can imagine what that sounded like.
Dan Franks (22:24): Yeah. And you know, a lot of people now, the iPhone microphone and the, in the AirPod microphones are not horrible, not recommended, but you know, just technology as you, you were referencing earlier has gotten so much better even on those handheld devices again. Yeah. Maybe don’t walk down the streets of Chicago on the phone for, for a podcast recording, but you know, if the best you have is your, you know, your iPhone phone, it might make due for that, you know, some of those test episodes.
John Jantsch (22:53): So Dan tell people where they can find out more about your work and certainly, uh, check out the next and maybe tell us when the next podcast movement is.
Dan Franks (23:00): Yeah. So, uh, We’ve got all of our daily newsletter up there, all kinds of, uh, tips and tricks and advice for new podcasters, as well as, uh, existing podcast and industry professionals and podcast movement right now happens twice a year. So the end of March, 2022 is our next one. And then our flagship event is this August in Dallas. So two big events, hopefully getting back into in person event action this year and yeah. Looking forward to continuing to grow.
John Jantsch (23:27): Yeah. Awesome. Well, thanks for stopping by the duct tape, mark marketing podcast, Dan, and, uh, hopefully we’ll run into you one of these days at a podcast movement or on the road somewhere
Dan Franks (23:36): Looking forward to it. Thanks, John.
John Jantsch (23:38): All right. That wraps up another episode of the duct tape marketing podcast. I wanna thank you so much for tuning in, feel free to share this show. Feel free to give us reviews. You know, we love those things. Also, did you know that we had created training, marketing training for your team? If you’ve got employees, if you’ve got a staff member that wants to learn a marketing system, how to install that marketing system in your business, check it out. It’s called the Certified Marketing Manager program from Duct Tape Marketing. You can find it at and just scroll down a little and find that tab that says training for your team.
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A while back, Dixie D’Amelio, the social media star, noticed something strange happening online: Somtimes her fans would repost her own images with retouched ones noticeably better than her originals.
“I would post a picture, and two seconds later, there’d be a whole different edit out there,” she says. “I watched the people who follow me creating these amazing edits, and I was always fascinated by it.”
Some of the followers she was following were actually using Lightricks apps, which is an Israeli startup that’s not well-known. She realized this with her family and Marc. Now, in a bit of can’t-beat-’em-join-’em spirit, the D’Amelios have struck a deal to become advisors and brand ambassadors for Lightricks in exchange for equity in the company and an upfront cash payment, negotiations that began late last year. Terms of the deal weren’t disclosed.
For Lightricks, an alliance with the D’Amelios will be helpful as the company makes a push for greater recognition—and more users—in America and elsewhere amid a packed field of competitors. The U.S. is home to 40% of Lightricks’ 30 million users. Lightricks is a popular company that offers photo and video editing apps such as Facetune, Videoleap, and more. It was founded in 2013. It raised $130 million in capital last September from Goldman Sachs and Greycroft, which valued the company at $1.9billion. But it remains little known outside of its native Israel and hopes tying itself to the D’Amelios will help bolster its profile.
Lightricks needs all the star power it can get: It hopes to shift from making software for amateur social media users to users interested in earning money as social media creators, like the D’Amelios have. This presses Lightricks up against giant corporations like TikTok and Instagram’s parent company, Meta, both of which offer their own suite of in-app editing tools, and smaller companies making similar software, like VSCO. Other social media startups are following the same path, tying themselves to famous people in the industry. Triller, another app for short-form videos, gave millions to TikTok’s stars in order to encourage them to use its technology. The company also offered equity and the title of chief strategist to Josh Richards who was eager to endorse it and provide advice about its features.
For the D’Amelios, the tie-in is more straightforward. They’ve sought to expand the family’s commercial potential beyond TikTok, the origin of Charli and Dixie’s fame. The pair was ranked No. 1. and 2. No. 2 and 1 on the latest TikTokers list, earning more than $25 million each in 2021. Charli signed a similar agreement for equity in Step. In addition to $50 million Series B financing, she also participated in the bank-for-teens app’s development. They also own a profitable joint venture with Hollister Social Tourist to produce teen clothes.
First up for Lightricks, the D’Amelios have counseled the app on a new feature it plans to launch next month, a so-called link-in-bio tool, essentially an easy-to-construct Web page for creators to house content from across social media, says Lightricks founder and CEO Zeev Farbman. “We want Lightricks to be associated with creators,” he says. “And creator success.”
The post D’Amelio Family Gets Equity Deal In Lightricks, A Little-Known Social Media Unicorn appeared first on Social Media Explorer.
Twitter deleted more than 240 accounts following the discovery that there was a coordinated campaign to spread misinformation about women’s reproductive rights in Kenya.
Mozilla Fellow Odanga Madung found evidence that a Spanish-based organization, CitizenGO, pushed 10 hashtags into Twitter’s trending section in Kenya, while the country’s parliament debated the 2020 Reproductive Healthcare Bill and the 2021 Surrogacy Bill.
Madung states that the research revealed how right-wing European organizations used Twitter in order to inject disinformation into a nuanced and important regional conversation.
They were designed to prohibit forced sterilizations and make all prenatal, birth, and postnatal services available to women free of charge.
Madung reviewed over 22,000 tweets and interview influencers that claimed to have been paid for their tweets. She also received instructions and content from CitizenGO via WhatsApp.
These tweets falsely claimed surrogacy and reproductive healthcare, as well as repeated hashtags and phrases. Many were sent from accounts which only used hashtags to tweet, and were then synchronized at certain times.
According to the report, “Our research shows that campaign’s goal was to prevent factual dialogue on proposed bills and to cause moral panic.”
Because matters such as teenage sexuality, surrogacy, and abortion are hotly contested public issues in Kenya, it is possible for this tactic to work.
Twitter had to delete 100 accounts last year after Mozilla research revealed that disinformation campaigns were being promoted by a government-backed bill to change Kenya’s constitution. This was known as the Building Bridges Initiative.
However, Madung believes that Twitter’s trending algorithm is simply too easy to manipulate. The company should conduct country-specific risks assessments and work with fact checkers, civil society organisations and researchers from each country. It should provide additional information and clarity around the company’s trending algorithm.
Twitter lacks both the culture and staff to tackle this issue. This problem will only grow more severe ahead of Kenya’s 2022 federal election,” says Madung.
“These organizations have stated that they will have an influence on our politics. Twitter must address the issue before that happens.
The post Twitter Takes Down Misinformation Campaign Around Reproductive Health In Kenya appeared first on Social Media Explorer.
Why Storytelling Is Dead And How To Build A Strategic Narrative Instead written by Sara Nay read more at Duct Tape Marketing
About the show:
The Agency Spark Podcast, hosted by Sara Nay, is a collection of short-form interviews from thought leaders in the marketing consultancy and agency space. Each episode focuses on a single topic with actionable insights you can apply today. Check out the new Spark Lab Consulting website here!
About this episode:
In this episode of the Agency Spark Podcast, Sara talks with Guillaume Wiatr on why storytelling is dead and how to build a strategic narrative instead.
A business strategy consultant, leadership coach, writer, and artist, Guillaume Wiatr teaches CEOs, Founders and Business Owners how to build a strategic narrative.
He is the Principal and Founder of MetaHelm, a strategy consulting firm specializing in helping business leaders unlock profit and energize their team with a shared narrative grounded in their organization’s purpose.
As a global speaker, Guillaume challenges the business community to go beyond the tactical aspects of storytelling.
He invites us to realize that innovation only happens if we know how to create new narratives. As he says, “People will pay for a story, but they will die for a narrative”.
More from Guillaume Wiatr:
MetaHelm Website
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This episode of the Agency Spark Podcast is brought to you by ActiveCampaign. Don’t just email – ActiveCampaign gives you the email marketing, marketing automation, and CRM tools you need to create incredible customer experiences. Learn more
Weekend Favs February 19 written by John Jantsch read more at Duct Tape Marketing
My weekend blog post routine includes posting links to a handful of tools or great content I ran across during the week.
I don’t go into depth about the finds, but encourage you to check them out if they sound interesting. The photo in the post is a favorite for the week from an online source or one that I took out there on the road.
HubSpot CRM – This free and easy-to-use CRM software makes reporting and managing a team simpler than ever before
LumApps – LumApps allows you to access all of your favorite business apps in one click. It is an intranet platform built for the new age
Obviously AI – For non-technical users, this tool uses machine learning to effortlessly predict critical business outcomes
These are my weekend favs, I would love to hear about some of yours – Tweet me @ducttape